
CBR theorie examen leren

Theorieles voor het theorie examen was nog nooit zo leuk en leerzaam. iTheorie is een complete theorie opleiding en bestaat uit een compleet digitaal theorieboek, maar liefst 50 theorie examens, lesfilms over gevaarherkenning en instructiefilms voor de praktijkles.


Learning CBR theory exam

Theory lesson for the theory exam has never been so fun and educational. iTheorie is a complete theory training and consists of a complete digital theory book, no less than 50 theory exams, lesson films about hazard perception and instructional films for practical lessons.

  • Complete digital theory book with the 25 CBR chapters;
  • 25 division keys after each chapter;
  • 50 complete theory exams such as at the CBR;
  • Lesson films for hazard perception;
  • Instructional films for practical lessons;
  • Suitable for dyslexia: everything can be read aloud;
  • Complete traffic sign supplement;
  • Suitable for car, motorcycle, moped and brommobiel;
  • Free refresher course (all theory exams again);
  • Sold by most driving schools and bookstores;
  • Request theory CBR.